Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Writer/Producer/Director Robert Budreau’s Stockholm is a funny, absurd, sometimes poignant drama based on the origins of the “Stockholm Syndrome” wherein captives/hostages bond with their abductors.
Here, dressed Easy Rider-style, Lars (Ethan Hawke) breaks into Stockholm’s Kreditbanken in 1973, not to rob it, but to get the release of his brother Gunnar (Mark Strong) from jail. 

In order to make his demands, he takes 3 people hostage, Bianca (Noomi Repace) and Klara (Bea Santos), who work at the bank, plus Elov (Mark Rendall), a bank customer.

The initially stoic police chief (Thorbjǿrn Harr) gives in by freeing Gunnar to join the others in the bank, secretly offering the convict freedom, if he gets his brother to surrender.

What happens is bizarre, sometimes goofy, and often hilarious.

It’s heartwarming to see what great actors can do with a well-written/well directed story produced on a reasonable budget.

I give Stockholm a 4 out of 5. 

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